Friday, May 15, 2009

Doug's Fashion Shoot

Yesterday I helped my sweetie, Doug (, with a fashion shoot for one of the upcoming editions of a local wedding magazine.  I won't reveal which one just yet, you'll have to check back once it's released.  Anyway, it was a lot of fun even though it was a long day (9-6), but we learned some stuff and had a great time working with everyone that was involved.  Of course I had to take a few pictures throughout the day -- below are some of Doug working with the art designer, and also some of the weird positions he contorted himself into.  :)  I love the first one because of the people watching him in the background -- they look thrilled.  
Well -- check back later -- not sure yet when it goes to print, but I'll reveal everything once it hits the stands.  And you'll be able to see shots on Doug's blog which is set to go live very soon.  He did an awesome job yesterday, the pictures are fantastic!  Great job babe!! :)

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