Friday, April 23, 2010

Catherine in the Big Easy!

Wow!! Talk about a great, fun-tastic afternoon!! I adopted Catherine as my little sister when we used to work together in the summers. She has the cutest, sweetest, fun-loving spirit. We've kept in touch and we still get together for girl's nights. A couple of weeks ago we decided to play around and just shoot some really fun, funky, edgy, beautiful pictures. Doug and I had a blast shooting around each other. We were both shooting with the same light, yet both getting completely different results. That was the even more thrilling part. He was going dark and moody, I was letting the light go bright and crazy. We were like kids in a candy store. I wish we'd have started an hour sooner because we definitely could have kept going. We also got a few shots with her boyfriend as well. I love the one of them by the car. It looks like it could be the poster for some Bonnie and Clyde movie. Thanks again for letting us play around. I'm looking forward to bringing some of this funky to my upcoming shoots. I'll be posting more of these as individual images when I launch the new blog (which hopefully will be in the next week or two!!). For now though, here is a slideshow with some of my favorites.

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